Grade 7 student looking for signal for online class, found dead, naked

Bheanne Banico, a Grade 7 student went missing after she asked permission from her grandfather on Friday morning to search for a signal to be able to talk with her teacher about their module. 

She went to a secluded area of Barangay Punta in San Narciso, Quezon. Unfortunately she was found dead, no clothes on and covered with multiple stab wounds. 

According to the grandfather, after an hour upon her granddaughter's leaving, the girl's cellphone could not be contacted so he went out and search. 

"'Yung bangkay ng aking apo na nasa sukalan, may mga sugat po sa leeg na sa tingin ko'y... at saka marami pa po sa katawan," said Vicente Banico, her grandfather. 

"Ako naman ay nakikiusap sa iyo na panagutan mo ang ginawa mo sa aking apo sapagkat tinigil mo ang kaniyang magandang future eh," cries the victim's family. 

For now, the victim's remain is under autopsy while the investigation continues.
Grade 7 student looking for signal for online class, found dead, naked Grade 7 student looking for signal for online class, found dead, naked Reviewed by Issues PH on November 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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