Cost of learning materials damaged by recent typhoons totals to P567M

According to the Department of Education's (DepEd) current data, damages to learning materials obtained from the recent typhoons amounted to P567.89 million. 

On Friday, Senator Sherwin Gatchalian presented the figures during the senate hearing. 

The damaged learning materials include:
  • over 1.6 million SLMs estimated at P55.08 million
  • over 111,000 books estimated at P11.289 million; and
  • over P501.52 million worth of computers and laptops. 

Gatchalian, chair of the Senate basic education committee, understand the significance of the damages to school infrastructures caused by the typhoons, however, he said DepEd should give priority to restore the self-learning modules and other learning materials. 
I just want to implore the department to prioritize the self-learning modules (SLMs),
he said. 
If you look at the SLMs and the books, it’s quite manageable, it’s P66 million [in total]. This is what I want to implore so that learning will continue since a lot of our evacuees have gone back to their homes. What they need to continue with their lives is a copy of their modules,
he said. 

Gatchalian said that the damaged schools will not be used yet, because face-to-face classes this year is cancelled due to Covid-19. But, he assured that the Senate would ensure that there would be enough funds to repair schools damaged by the typhoons. 
We will make sure that we have enough funds to repair our schools next year. Next year, we will have about P4.7 billion for repairs of schools. I know it’s not enough…but we will continue to look for funds to repair our schools,
he said. 
Immediate necessity will be the SLM and the books so they (students) will continue learning,
he added. 

Education Undersecretary Nepomuceno Malaluan agreed with Gatchalian on addressing the immediate needs of the students.
Cost of learning materials damaged by recent typhoons totals to P567M Cost of learning materials damaged by recent typhoons totals to P567M Reviewed by Issues PH on November 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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